Cg277 dot by dot
Cg277 dot by dot


Place points in free points, not occupied by points and not included in the environment.The game begins with an empty field or with a scratch - a starting piece of the same number of red and blue dots in the center of the field.You win if you manage to capture more points than your opponent. You need to surround your opponent's points and protect your own. Players use red or blue dots and take turns placing them at the intersection of the lines. The place where the lines intersect on the field is called a point.

cg277 dot by dot

The game is played on a field of 39 × 32 cells. "Points" are attracted by the simplicity of the rules, the infinity of combinations and the ability to create complex strategies. Learn the rules and test your intellect in a clever puzzle game! The game requires the ability to draw up strategies, the ability to see the playing field in development and to focus. With outward simplicity, the "points" are not easy. So the game spread to the USA, Israel, Poland and other European countries. The majority of fans of "points" are former citizens of the USSR, including those who emigrated to other countries. Currently, the discrepancy is so great that it would be wrong to talk about the identity of these games. Over time, the points have evolved, acquired their own rules and strategies, significantly different from go. The dot game has become a paper adaptation of go and has spread so rapidly that it is no longer possible to locate its origin. An obstacle to even wider development was the lack of the necessary equipment. Articles about the ancient game were published in serious publications, such as the magazine "Science and Life", in many cities go-lovers' clubs were opened, and tournaments were held.

cg277 dot by dot

In the seventies of the last century, there was a surge in the popularity of the Chinese game of go in the Soviet Union. English dots and Polish kropki are translated as "dots". The game has several names that are not widely used: "feudal lords", "cities", "hacienda".

cg277 dot by dot

To win, you need to surround the opponent's points with your points from all sides. On the field in a cage, players take turns putting dots at the junctions of the vertical and horizontal lines.

Cg277 dot by dot